Amazon Advertising Success Story: Seller Central Sports & Outdoor Products - BellaVix

Amazon Advertising Success Story: Seller Central Sports & Outdoor Products

Amazon Advertising Success Story Seller Central Sports & Outdoor Products


Amazon Advertising Success Story: Seller Central Sports & Outdoor Products


The brand is selling Sports & Outdoor equipment on Amazon through Seller Central. They launched in July 2019. Another agency managed the Seller Central account before BellaVix taking over in January 2021. The brand had successfully launched numerous products and generated strong monthly sales but felt they had reached a plateau in sales on Amazon. 

Advertising is one of the levers we can use to help with scale sales on Amazon. The brand felt its advertising could be better but lacked the time and recognized the need for a strategist to analyze the account and map out the next best steps to improve sales from ads. 


The brand was interested in scaling sales while keeping efficiency (ACOS) below 30%. The budget remained open as long as we can keep within the boundaries.  


We developed a comprehensive strategy that rolled out in three phases. The first phase was to clean up the account, restructure and relabel everything to fit our management process. When we got the account in shape and removed the wasteful spending, we were ready to move to phase two. In phase two, we completed extensive keyword and competitor products research. Rolled out new keywords and product targeting sponsored product and sponsored brand campaigns. The spike in sales was immediate. As the account was growing and new data flowing, keeping bids and budgets in check was the main priority. Along with constant keyword harvesting, and optimizing the non-profitable terms by down bidding or pausing. When we started to see that we were picking sales and ACoS was stable, it was time for a new expansion round. In phase three, we started Capitalizing on the new features of Sponsored Display ads. We began with prospecting campaigns targeting audiences with specific interests in certain categories. For example, fitness and exercise, bodybuilding supplements, sport equipment and apparel. All this brought an influx of fresh new traffic and got the sales to a new higher level.



  • Increase in impressions. We can see significant increases MoM as we are moving from expansion and optimization phases.
  • We can observe a significant increase in clicks in some months compared to impressions in percent change. The ratio means that we are constantly showing the ads to a highly relevant audience.
  • While we are pushing a significant increase in traffic to the product pages, Cost Per Click is approximately the same during the observed period. 
2020/21 Impressions MoM %Chng Clicks MoM %Chng CPC MoM %Chng
November 1,361,388   9,485   0.28  
December 2,795,959 105.38% 20,142 112.36% 0.33 17.86%
January 3,277,317 17.22% 31,244 55.12% 0.27 -18.18%
February 6,295,982 92.11% 50,756 62.45% 0.34 25.93%
March 7,346,200 16.68% 59,034 16.31% 0.33 -2.94%

Spend and Sales

  • Constant MoM growth in sales
  • YoY we can observe outstanding increases in sales volume
  • ACoS levels are stable and low while experiencing significant jumps in sales
2020/21 Spend Sales ACoS MoM % Chng Sales 2020 Sales YoY % Chng Sales
November $2,642.00 $17,869.00 14.79% 21.63% $7,368.00 142.52%
December $6,742.00 $52,485.00 12.85% 65.95% $14,716.00 256.65%
January $8,360.00 $65,244.00 12.81% 19.56% $15,647.00 316.97%
February $17,342.00 $94,577.00 18.34% 31.01% $18,397.00 414.09%
March $19,370.00 $117,882.00 16.43% 19.77% $11,303.00 942.93%

Since we began working with this partner, we have achieved substantial growth inside of the account through advertising. Understanding best practices, proper structure, and the PPC trifecta are critical components in a successful advertising campaign. 

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