Our client works in a specific sub-niche of women’s undergarment category, and we’ve been working with them from the very beginning of their journey. We’ve encountered countless problems, from listings being suppressed, closing, and dealing with Amazon Customer Support for hours to reinstate them while competing with big guns doing up to $2M-$20M/year.

Research and implementation
In order to align with the client’s goal of rapid growth and making Amazon their largest sales channel, we derived a strategy to create full funnel advertising campaigns for their focused P.ASINs initially because we knew that those P.ASINs work better than the rest of their products in their off-amazon business.
We performed extensive keyword research and segmented each keyword based on Size and Color. We made sure that each listing had its own size and color-related keyword because we didn’t want a person who was looking for an XL Black T-shirt showing an L Navy Blue T-shirt.
Then, we started to build out Advertising Campaigns. Usually, everyone just rolls out Automatic ones at the start, but we didn’t. We utilized our extensive Keyword Research here as well and created Non-Branded KW campaigns with the most relevant keywords for each Product because, as mentioned, the client had a good presence on social media as well, so we made sure to roll out Defensive Branded KW campaigns to avoid any of our competitors to get any sponsored placements on our Branded KWs.
We continued to optimize those campaigns, and along with that, we tested and utilized every other ad type, Including Sponsored Products, Automatic, Product, and Category Targeting Campaigns. Sponsored Brands Headline ads, Video ads, and Sponsored Display Ads with both Defensive and competitor targeting campaigns.
From Awareness to Purchase
After carefully implementing our strategy, we got the results that we aimed for. We gradually graduated our awareness funnel audience to the consideration level and then moved forward in the funnel to the Purchase level.

Following a Full Funnel approach, we managed to increase our overall shoppers' MoM significantly.

Continuing the growth phase, all of our funnel level customers are rapidly increasing. Our new customers increased by 37%, Our Potential new customers increased by 29% and our customers have increased by 17%.

Our constant efforts and well-derived strategy resulted in exponential growth of sales, going from $4,070 in September to $21,685 in September next year, resulting in 432% YoY growth.

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team.
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