Split testing or A/B Testing on Amazon is a great way to optimize your content by comparing the performance of different versions of specific metrics to see which one improves conversion rates.
Amazon itself provides a solution called Manage My Experiments for Brand Registered Sellers where you can split test metrics such as A+ Content, Titles, and Images. The different versions of the listing are shown randomly to Amazon Customers, and results are recorded. Read our best practices on Manage My Experiments here.
Split testing is such an important digital marketing strategy that many companies have developed 3rd party tools that easily integrate with Amazon to ensure a seamless split testing process. One of those tools was developed by Sellzone, and we use it at BellaVix to assess and improve our clients’ pages. Sellzone offers split testing of Titles, Descriptions, Main Images and Pricing.
In this case study, the brand is selling sports and outdoor equipment on Amazon through Seller Central. They launched in July 2019, and the Seller Central account was managed by another agency before BellaVix took over in January 2021. The brand had successfully launched numerous products and generated strong monthly sales on Amazon, but felt they had reached a plateau.
Optimize Listings
When this brand started selling on Amazon, the aim was simply to generate additional income. However, when they reached multi-million dollar status, they were very hesitant to make any changes to the listings. They had achieved huge success and did not want to risk affecting that. And who can blame them?! However, we know that copy optimization plays an integral role on Amazon for both search results and conversions, and wanted to ensure they were achieving the best possible results.
400% Increase in Page Sessions
When interpreting the results, it’s important to remember that each copy metric serves its own purpose. Titles are relevant for search results and making sure the customers find your products, so the relevant KPIs when split testing the titles are sessions and pageviews - that is the traffic. When you’re experimenting with images and bullets, the KPIs you should be referencing are the conversion rate and units ordered as well as orders.
Needless to say, the results were fantastic, and they exceeded our own expectations given that we were comparing results with Prime Month (June 2021) when traffic and window shopping generally increase.
The following were the results of the BellaVix experiment:
Too busy to split test your listings to maximize your Amazon investment?
Submit an inquiry to connect with the BellaVix team today!