Reminder: You Can Save Up To 50% With Amazon Vine in the US As we head into the holiday season, you can enjoy the benefits of the Amazon Vine program ...
Seller-Fulfilled Returns: UPS Return Shipping Option Extended Amazon introduced UPS as a customer return shipping option for items below 15 ounces and 130 inches in girth under the Amazon Prepaid ...
October 11th and 12th Are Marked as Prime Day 2.0 or Amazon’s Prime Early Access Sale Amazon has released the dates of October 11th and 12th of this year will ...
Amazon Launches Free Email Marketing Capabilities for Sellers to Reach Their Repeat, Recent, and High-Spend Amazon Customers Utilizing Amazon Customer Engagement’s Tailored Audiences, sellers can now increase their email marketing ...
Preparing for the Holiday Rush - Key Inventory Dates Announced Make sure that your inventory arrives at US fulfillment centers by these dates:Black Friday and Cyber Monday: November 2Christmas: December ...
Premium A+ is Now Launched on Seller Central completely FREE Amazon has granted a no-cost probational period for the Premium A+ content feature for Sellers on Seller Central. This feature, ...
Walmart Opens Third-Party Seller Floodgates Sellers interested in joining the Walmart marketplace previously required Walmart’s approval. The button to start the application was even titled “Request to sell.” Last week, ...
TikTok-esque Feed on Amazon Called “Inspire” The feature is more of a separate feed and; “appears as a diamond widget on the home page of Amazon’s app, according to Israeli-based ...
How to reduce your Amazon FBA Rejection Rate by 80% What exactly are Amazon returns? How can you decrease the returns you earn from Amazon in the first place? Check ...
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