Cracking the Code: How QR Codes Can Boost Your Amazon Sales and Customer Engagement - BellaVix

Cracking the Code: How QR Codes Can Boost Your Amazon Sales and Customer Engagement

Cracking the Code How QR Codes Can Boost Your Amazon Sales and Customer Engagement


With Amazon’s enormous success, everybody is inevitably aiming to take a piece. According to Jungle Scout, roughly 3,700 new sellers join Amazon every day. The eCommerce giant indeed has created a saturated market with fierce competition. Standing out in your niche takes much more than an outstanding advertising and marketing strategy. 

Amazon offers several features, the utilization of which will impact your listings’ visibility and discoverability, such as: 

  1. Detail page optimization 
  2. A+ 
  3. A+ Premium 
  4. Storefront 
  5. Vine 
  6. Customer Engagement 
  7. Listing Quality Dashboard 
  8. A/B Testing 
  9. Subscribe and Save 
  10. Promotions 
  11. Deals 
  12. B2B Discounts 

The Amazon purchasing process starts with the customer finding a product, completing the transaction, using it, and then potentially telling others about it. They may write a review and spread the word if they are delighted with the purchase. To help promote this positive experience with the product, sellers can use an ‘insert card’ as part of their marketing strategy.

Cracking the Code How QR Codes Can Boost Your Amazon Sales and Customer Engagement

What are insert cards? 

An ‘Insert Card’ is like a business card or postcard incorporated into a package with a product. This card contains diverse details from the main A+Contents, mainly aimed at customers who have bought the product. 

It may seem complicated to incorporate Amazon product inserts in your orders: you will have to think of an original communication, craft the insert, and print it out, all of which take time and money. Nevertheless, the outcome of such an effort is definitely worth it. Here are some of the benefits of including a product insert in your Amazon orders:

  • Boost brand reputation– If customers are content with their purchase and the accompanying message, they will have a more favorable view of the brand.
  • Increase brand recognition– You can stimulate brand recognition by including additional information about your brand, such as social media accounts.
  • Develop customer loyalty– Product inserts are an excellent way to offer customer service while deepening your bond with the customer, eventually leading to more customer loyalty.
  • Advertise additional items– Your product inserts can also be utilized to reiterate the value of your product or to market other Amazon storefront products via QR Codes. 
  • Gather honest feedback and reviews– Requesting feedback and reviews through Amazon product inserts is a straightforward process. Nevertheless, you must be careful how you phrase it. 

A persuasive call to action or instructions can benefit you in many ways. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, Amazon product inserts can decrease customer returns and increase sales. Nevertheless, you must be aware of Amazon’s severe terms of service.




But how to create an insert card that captivates the customers’ attention? 

  1. Ensure that the insert card fits the purpose; 
    1. The first step in developing an Amazon “Insert Card” is deciding its purpose. For instance, if the goal is to get more customer reviews, the card should express gratitude and request feedback. Alternatively, if the aim is to raise awareness of the brand or strengthen loyalty, a small presentation combined with a brand introduction could be included. Finally, to raise the rate of repurchases, an ‘Insert Card’ containing an Amazon purchase discount code works best.
  2. Be creative
    1. From the customer’s point of view, a straightforward ‘Insert Card’ that has no distinguishing features and does not attract their attention is seen as a form of packaging waste and fails to fulfill the seller’s objectives. However, a more imaginative ‘Insert Card’ can help to boost brand recognition.
      1. Read this article for some outstanding insert card template ideas. 
      2. Read this article for some creative, attention-captivating insert card strategies. 
  3. Include QR Codes
    1. In the modern era of the twenty-first century, QR codes have become an essential element for product information sheets. These codes deliver easy access to your desired content, making it much easier for customers and likely increasing your conversion rate.
    2. DOs for QR codes:
      1. You can link information about your brand, your storefront, any low sellers or new products that you are trying to push. 
      2. You can link Amazon promo codes. 
    3. DON’TS for QR codes:
      1. Don’t link your website 
      2. Don’t link your other retailers 
      3. Don’t link anything that might be considered spam 
      4. Don’t request the customers’ email 
      5. Don’t link anything that might violate Amazon’s policies. 

Packaging inserts are a creative way to create a well-established presence in the eCommerce world. 

While you are free to be as creative as possible, as we mentioned, please be aware of respecting Amazon policies and do not: 

  1. Specifically Requesting Positive Feedback
  2. Moving Transactions Away From Amazon
  3. Offering Incentives For Reviews
  4. Do Not Insult Your Competitors.
  5. Please Do Not Ask For Contact Information.


Your product insert will not likely be the only thing that will cause your sales or review ratings to skyrocket. Although it can certainly aid in the process, you can’t necessarily expect the same results from each insert. It’s not a realistic goal. 

We know that the regulations regarding product inserts are not always consistent and might be interpreted differently by different vendors, especially those working with FBA. Furthermore, Amazon is infamous for changing the rules with no warning. Therefore, we recommend that you stay up-to-date with the new policies and be ready to adjust when needed.


If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to contact the BellaVix Team

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