Selling on Giants Podcast: Gear Up For Success: Your Guide To Amazon Prime Day 2024 Preparation - BellaVix

Selling on Giants Podcast: Gear Up For Success: Your Guide To Amazon Prime Day 2024 Preparation


In this episode of Selling on Giants: The eCommerce Marketplace Show, the guest speaker is Manuela Castano, an expert with extensive experience in the retail industry implementing successful marketing strategies on platforms like Amazon and Walmart, talks about the process of “Gear Up For Success: Your Guide To Amazon Prime Day 2024 preparation”.

No matter if you’re a well-established brand or just starting your journey, this episode is packed with informative and inspiring content that will prepare you for Amazon Prime Day 2024 by leveraging a three-phased strategy: build anticipation, optimize listings, and sustain post-event momentum. We focus on inventory management, strategic advertising, and proactive solutions to overcome challenges and capitalize on evolving eCommerce trends. sales periods and achieve consistent growth in the fiercely competitive e-commerce landscape. Don’t miss out on “Gear Up For Success: Your Guide To Amazon Prime Day 2024 preparation”



Key Takeaways:


1. Evolution and Impact of Amazon Prime Day

  • Amazon Prime Day has evolved into one of the biggest sales events globally, impacting the entire eCommerce industry.
  • Its significance lies in the immense opportunities it offers for sellers to boost sales and reach new customers.

2. Three-Phased Strategy for Prime Day Success

  • Lead-up Phase: Focus on building anticipation and visibility through pre-Prime Day promotions and marketing campaigns.
  • Prime Day Phase: Optimize product listings, manage inventory effectively, and leverage Amazon’s advertising tools for maximum reach and conversion.
  • Lead-out Phase: Continue promotions post-Prime Day to capitalize on the momentum and sustain sales growth.

3. Optimizing Product Listings

  • Key tactics include using high-quality images, compelling product descriptions, strategic keywords, and enhanced content like A+ Content or Enhanced Brand Content.

4. Inventory Management Strategies

  • Balance the risks of overstocking and stockouts by forecasting demand, monitoring inventory levels closely, and utilizing tools like Amazon’s Inventory Management.

5. Advertising and Promotion

  • Adjust advertising strategies for Prime Day by increasing ad spend, targeting relevant keywords, utilizing Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Amazon DSP for retargeting.

6. Overcoming Challenges

  • Common challenges during Prime Day include increased competition, inventory issues, and ad fatigue. Solutions involve proactive planning, real-time monitoring, and agile responses.

7. Future Trends and Preparedness

  • Anticipate the evolution of Amazon Prime Day by staying updated with industry trends, adopting new technologies and tools, and continuously optimizing your selling strategies.

In conclusion, success on Amazon Prime Day requires meticulous preparation, strategic planning, and agile execution. By implementing the insights and strategies discussed, sellers can maximize their chances of dominating this high-stakes sales event and capitalizing on the opportunities it presents.

Or listen to the previous episodes on the different platforms: 



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  • Branded – Linkedin:


Your Guide to Amazon Prime Day 2024 Preparation PDF (1)


Follow the link to download a FREE Prime Day Preparation Guide from Manuela and get ready to fuel your business’ growth!

“Selling on Giants: The eCommerce Marketplace Show” is sponsored by BellaVix.

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