How to Connect Amazon Advertising to Google Data Studio without Code - BellaVix

How to Connect Amazon Advertising to Google Data Studio without Code

How to Connect Amazon Advertising to Google Data Studio without Code BellaVix

The lucrative growth of your marketing comes by accessing the actionable insights of your site’s raw data. Marketers use different analytics tools to fulfil that need to improve their advertising and campaign performance. 

Since Google data studio is a robust analytics tool, it enables advertisers to create compelling customized reports and dashboards for making data-driven decisions. So far, so good; connecting your Amazon Advertising Platform with Google data studio can help you design an effective attribution model.

So, how could you get most of this accessible data consolidation and visualization tool? Follow this guide to connect your Amazon advertising to google data studio without code to level up your sales and conversions. 

How to Connect Amazon Advertising to Google Data Studio without Code BellaVix Steps To Connect Amazon Advertising To Google Data Studio

Steps To Connect Amazon Advertising To Google Data Studio

There are a few simple yet crucial steps to connect Amazon advertising to google data studio, so without expending a juncture, let’s reap it. 

Read also: Google Ads Conversion Tracking

1- Connect Data Warehouse

The initial step while connecting your Amazon ads to google data studio is securing the data warehouses to improve. While correlating to the data, you need to authorize your account first. 

As you’re connecting for the first time, you’ll need to undergo two consents. Here are the endorsements

  • Authorization to use your google account 
  • Authorization to connect with your Amazon account 

After connecting the data warehouse, you can proceed to further steps. 

2- Account Selection 

After approval, you’ll see a page illustrating a few alternatives to know about your genuine account. You’ll select the individual tab with whom you want to continue. When you choose the report, you will be sent to a page with several options for further proceedings. You’ve to select the correct choices as per your needs.  

3- Link Your Data 

After selecting the account, you must link your data with the google data studio. Undoubtedly, when you connect your Amazon account with the Google data studio, you’ll be allowed to strengthen the advertisement. You can link your data through the “Connect” option on the reporting page. 

4- Create A Data Pipeline

The most mandatory step while connecting your Amazon ads to google data studio is creating a data pipeline. You have to make a pipeline through your Amazon ads forum. The channel will be linked to the central warehouse. 

Once you’ve designed the pipeline, you must refresh the data perennial. The incredible thing about the data pipeline is that you have to schedule the information, which can be renewed independently.  

5- Analyzing Data In Real-Time

You should be aware that Real-Time data always plays a crucial role in loading data to any warehouse. While working with Real-time data, you don’t need any SQL knowledge to accomplish your tasks. You’ll be amazed that real-time data automatically loads the new data without manual loading.    

6- Reporting With Templates

After connecting the account with Google data studio, you’ll get access to the templates. Being a newbie, you’ll surely need a guideline to follow. It would be best if you skim the template reports thoroughly. Initially, you can use the templates and learn from the templates report too. 

7- Creating Your Report

Bingo! You did it by following a few basic steps. Now, you’ll be able to create your reports through google data studio without coding. If you use Real-time data to create an account, you’ll accomplish it 90% faster than manual reporting. 

Hence, what are you procrastinating for? Let’s start your own Amazon ads through google data studio. 

Read also: How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing

How to connect Amazon Advertising to Google Data Studio without Code BellaVix What Are The Benefits Of Amazon Advertising Forum Connector?

What Are The Benefits Of Amazon Advertising Forum Connector? 

In today’s era, the tech field has led man to the moon. You can do anything with your brilliant work. Likewise, the Amazon advertising forum connector has a lot of windfalls. Here are a few advantages of Amazon ads connector. 

Advertisement Optimization

The Amazon advertising platform connector optimizes and automates the publicity for sponsored add types like sponsored displays, sponsored products, sponsored brands, and many more. The ads are optimized based on two crucial things, campaigns, and performances. 

Sponsored Reports

The Amazon ads connector optimizes the advertising and provides you with reports of sponsored brands and sponsored products. Manual reporting is indeed a challenging task. This might be why people choose Google data studio or any connector to secure the ad reporting. 

Dashboard Maintenance

Dashboard maintenance is another advantage of the Amazon ads forum connector. Undoubtedly, maintaining the dashboard is a crucial yet complicated task. Nevertheless, an ads connector can make it susceptible for you.  

Track Ad Performance 

In an Amazon advertisement, tracking the ad performance is necessary. Here Amazon ads platform connector is a good pair for tracking your ad’s performance. You can also get the API available reports from the Amazon ads platform connector.

Final Verdict

Hopefully, the bestowed guidelines helped you to connect your Amazon ads to google data studio without coding. You also got to know the advantages of using connectors in Amazon advertisements. So, boost your ads now with the assistance of Google data studio.    

Author Bio

Scott is a Technical Content Manager & Tagging Specialist at, one of the leading conversion tracking specialist company helping marketers and digital marketing Agencies with web tracking jobs. Scott enjoys his time with his wife and two little kids and loves playing basket ball.

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