How to Download Your Category Listing Report on Amazon Seller Central - BellaVix

How to Download Your Category Listing Report on Amazon Seller Central

What is Category Listing Report:

Amazon’s Category Listing Report provides a comprehensive overview of all our Amazon listings, presenting them exactly as they are currently displayed in the Amazon system.

Moreover, it can swiftly generate a flat file that can be uploaded, providing immense convenience for brands with hundreds of ASINs to sell.

Instead of making changes or updates to each listing, we can utilize the category listing report to update the entire catalog efficiently at once.

It is advisable to divide the task into smaller test batches initially, particularly if we are unfamiliar with the process or catalog.

Benefits Category Listing Report:

Reviewing our Amazon listings in one comprehensive file through a category listing report (CLR) is a highly efficient method. This allows us to quickly identify potential concerns, such as non-compliance or abuse. It provides a convenient overview, making it easier to address any issues promptly.

For example:
One potential issue that can be identified in a category listing report is the inclusion of keywords in the backend of a listing, which may result in the ASIN being flagged as a pesticide or drug.

A category listing report is now essential for Amazon sellers, whether used to identify technical problems, abuse issues, or compliance concerns.
The report can also be used as evidence to present to Amazon Seller Support when reporting these issues.

WHY CLR is Recommended:

It provides you with a log of your modifications and a unique batch identifier that you can utilize for future reference or to seek support from the Catalog team in implementing your revisions.

If you have numerous listings to modify, making changes in bulk is much more efficient than doing them individually through Seller Central.

It provides a more precise depiction and comprehensive overview of your listings. This lets you view all characteristics and ensure they align across all variations.

Sometimes, the changes you struggle to make in Seller Central are more likely to be successfully uploaded through the category listing report.

How to Download CLR

The category listing report is not available “By Default” for all accounts. We need to request support to activate it.

Go to the help section on Amazon Seller Central and open a case with support, asking them to activate the “Category Listing Report” for your account.

Message to the support can be as simple as:
“ Hello, I would like to activate access to the Category Listing Report, please. Thanks!”

Support will respond within 6-8 hours and activate the report without any questions/queries.

Once the report has been activated, we can easily download it by going to the hamburger menu on SC and navigating to:

Reports>>Inventory Reports

On the reports page, from the dropdown, select “Category Listing Report”  and click Request Report.

The report will be ready to download in 3-5 minutes.

category listing report


category listing report

Best Practices

Regularly reviewing your Amazon category listing report is a recommended approach for managing your listings. It also enables you to detect possible problems with your listings and avoid any interruptions to your Amazon business.

DO NOT use old flat files for any changes. Make sure you download a new report every time an update is needed. This is necessary because Amazon keeps changing the reports and the listing attributes.

If you have additional questions or want us to help you on your Amazon journey, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the BellaVix Team. 


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