Keep Up with Amazon And Walmart Weekly News Updates – 09.14 - BellaVix

Keep Up with Amazon And Walmart Weekly News Updates – 09.14

Keep Up with Amazon And Walmart Weekly News Updates – 09.14

Preparing for the Holiday Rush – Key Inventory Dates Announced

  • Make sure that your inventory arrives at US fulfillment centers by these dates:
    • Black Friday and Cyber Monday: November 2
    • Christmas: December 1
  • Note: Date recommendations are based on estimates and are subject to change.
  • As you prepare your shipments, be sure to take the following actions:
    • Check your recommended replenishment quantity: Even if restock limits are applied, you might still have capacity available in different storage types for your FBA inventory. You can check your restock limits by storage type from Restock Inventory or Shipping Queue, by expanding the restock limits monitor at the bottom of the page.
    • Plan your shipment ahead of time: Allow ample time for supplier lead times, carrier lead times, or both. It may take longer to ship inventory to fulfillment centers during the busy holiday season.

Brands: New ASIN View in Brand Analytics Search Query Performance Dashboard

  • Brand owners can now view Search Query Performance data for specific ASINs within the brand catalog using the Search Query Performance dashboard. With the launch of ASIN view, you can measure the search performance of a specific product by metrics, such as clicks or conversion rate, within a selected time frame.  (Screenshot)
Search Query Performance beta Amazon BellaVix

Two New Features Launched to Manage Your Experiments

  • Amazon has made improvements to Manage Your Experiments by incorporating data points around content and the ability to auto-publish winning results. The system ill only publish the version if it’s at least 66% better than the other content version.

New Fulfilled by Merchant Meltable Product Shipping Policy Update

  • As of September 21, 2022, all sellers must take precautions to ensure meltable products are received in satisfactory condition by the customer at all times. If a seller has received multiple melted product complaints, Amazon may terminate corresponding offers and suspend or terminate your Amazon selling account (and any related accounts). The meltable product shipping policy is designed to protect the customer experience by ensuring heat-sensitive products (including but not limited to chocolate, gummies, and select jelly- and wax-based products) are received in satisfactory condition.

New Updates in the Seller Central Inventory section:

  • Inventory section was updated once more, and you can see some updated sections
  • Unfulfillable inventory completely disappeared from the dashboard, and the only way to collect the data about unfulfillable units is to download the Amazon-fulfilled Inventory Report and filter by Unsellable units.
New updates in the Seller Central Inventory section
New updates in the Seller Central Inventory section
New updates in the Seller Central Inventory section


Growing your eCommerce business on Amazon can be quite challenging. If you hope to be successful, being aware of the most common mistakes people make when selling on the marketplace and learning how to avoid them might be a good place to start.

If you want to learn from our experts’ experience, then go on and listen to our webinar on the topic “Top Mistakes of Amazon Sellers”.

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