Keep Up With AMAZON & WALMART SELLER news – 10.12.2022 - BellaVix

Keep Up With AMAZON & WALMART SELLER news – 10.12.2022

Keep Up With AMAZON & WALMART SELLER news – 10.12.2022

Product Detail Page Enhancements for Brand Owners Now Available

  • Amazon is beta testing enhancements to product detail pages using the “Other popular products from this brand.” badge on the desktop view of PDP on some seller accounts to help increase brand awareness and selling opportunities ahead of peak season. Participation is automatic for all brands enrolled in the Brand Referral Bonus program and will last until January 2023.

Returns Window Extended for 2022 Holidays

  • Customers who start their holiday shopping early at the new Prime Early Access Sale on October 11 and 12 will be able to return most products until January 31, 2023.
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Save Time by Discounting Excess Inventory in Bulk

  • You can now save time by using the new bulk discounts feature to sell your excess inventory. The new feature allows you to mark down up to 250 products at a time on FBA Inventory. For more information, go to the “Page features” section of FBA Inventory overview.

Simplify Global Selling With New Feature in Automate Pricing

  • Automate Pricing can quickly and automatically match your prices to those of competing offers for the same product. This increases the chance that your offer will become the Featured Offer. The new feature makes it easier to apply the minimum and maximum prices from your home store to multiple target stores. Prices can be adjusted for currency conversion and markup or markdown.

Amazon DSP Now Offers Bulk Cloning of Non-guaranteed Line Items

  • This feature provides the ability to copy and/or clone more than one non-guaranteed line item (where inventory for the line item is not reserved) at a time. This feature is available from the line item grid view as long as the line is active or has ended within 5 days. Bulk cloning of non-guaranteed line items allows the creation of more than one copy and/or clone of a line item at a time. This will help advertisers streamline line item creation and the optimization process in Amazon DSP.

Walmart’s 2022 holiday insights and advertiser’s guide (Walmart Connect LI Post)

  • Walmart surveyed customers on how they plan to celebrate and shop for the holidays this year. Most interesting result, 78% say inflation will effect their holiday shopping. You can use these guides to find insights and tips to help you plan your holiday campaigns.
Education for Amazon sellers

Education by Amazon or Walmart for Sellers:

Selling on Amazon 101

  • Seller University is Amazon’s central learning hub where current and aspiring selling partners learn how to sell and succeed on October 12, October 13, and October 14, from noon to 1 p.m. (PT)

Amazon Ads: Prepare for the Shopping Season With Our Virtual Summit

  • Make the most of the busy shopping season in a two-day Amazon Ads summit on October 18 and October 19, 2022. Over two days, you’ll follow a fictional brand as they navigate the latest advertising features and best practices. You will also have plenty of chances to learn through the wide range of discussions and success stories.

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