Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 02.02.2023 - BellaVix

Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 02.02.2023

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New Automate Pricing Feature Will Help Protect Your Margins

  • Automate Price rules can also be configured to increase your prices. To use this new feature, go to Automated Pricing and enroll your SKU in a Competitive Featured Offer rule or Competitive Lowest Price rule, and configure your rule settings to compare with prices outside the Amazon store. Detailed Breakdown of the Feature by SoStocked

Update to the new buyer requested cancellation experience

  • Amazon notified sellers last February it would no longer send notifications through the buyer-seller messaging system and instead, cancellation requests would appear in a banner on the Manage orders page and in order reports. Sellers are still reporting some notifications were still evading the new Manage Orders page and instead showing up in messaging.

Did You Know That You Can See the Impact of Having the Amazon’s Choice Badge on Search Performance?

To see this you need to download the Amazon’s Choice Badge Data – Monthly Report and Search Funnel Outliers Data – Monthly Report.

Did you know that you can see the impact of having the Amazon’s Choice badge on search performance

Buy With Prime Pricing

  • Buy with Prime fees are 20-40% per transaction, or even more for items below $20 due to the $1.50/order minimum Prime service fee. Yet, fees are not as critical as whether Buy with Prime is worth the operational investment. The service’s payment processing fees are in-line with other e-commerce providers.

Amazon and Walmart News And Updates BellaVix By With Prime Pricing

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