Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 04.11.2023 - BellaVix

Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 04.11.2023

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Sellers Who Use FBA Donations Now Have Access to Donation Certificates

  • Inventory donated through the FBA Donations program in 2022 now has access to a donation certificate that reports the inventory you donated in the previous year. Your donation certificate will be generated on a yearly basis and can be found on the Donations page in Seller Central. The donation certificate contains the quantity and description of your inventory that was donated through the program in the previous year. Where do your donations go? Amazon has partnered with Good360 to ensure that products donated by sellers get to those who are in need and benefit nonprofits around the world.

Amazon Announces Its Latest Advances in Counterfeit Prevention for Customers, Brands, and Selling Partners

  Amazon Announces Its Latest Advances in Counterfeit Prevention for Customers, Brands, and Selling Partners

  • Amazon has announced several new measures to prevent the sale of counterfeit products on its platform. One of the key measures is the use of machine learning algorithms to detect and remove counterfeit products from the marketplace automatically. This technology can identify and flag counterfeit listings by analyzing a wide range of data points, such as product descriptions, images, and customer reviews.
  • In addition, Amazon is making efforts to improve transparency for customers by providing more information about sellers, including their business names, addresses, and tax identification numbers. This is aimed at helping customers make more informed purchasing decisions by giving them a better understanding of who they are buying from.
  • Finally, Amazon is introducing a new program called “Project Zero” which enables brands to remove counterfeit listings themselves directly. This program gives brands the ability to flag and remove counterfeit listings from the marketplace without having to go through Amazon’s normal reporting procedures. This is expected to streamline the process of removing counterfeit products from the platform and provide more control to the brands themselves.

Sellers Who Use FBA Donations Now Have Access to Donation Certificates

  Would You Accept Amazon’s Help on Sustainability?

  • Amazon is surveying its sellers who fulfill their own orders to gather feedback on sustainability initiatives that it is considering. The survey seeks to understand which sustainability initiatives and processes the sellers have implemented or plan to implement and the reasons for not doing so. Amazon provided a list of sustainability efforts that it might consider and asked the respondents to indicate their importance. The survey also asked respondents what would encourage them to consider sustainability investments in the future. Amazon’s motive behind the survey could be to influence government policies and regulations and to cater to the increasing attention of shoppers to sustainable packaging.

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