Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 05.24.2023 - BellaVix

Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 05.24.2023



Engage repeat customers with the new email marketing feature

  • Amazon has launched the new Brand Tailored Audiences feature in the Manage Your Customer Engagement tool, so you can now send tailored marketing emails to your loyal customers. The new Repeat customer section allows you to identify customers who have bought at least two products from your brand in the last 12 months. You’ll receive an update every week with information on new customers who qualify to receive your brand marketing emails.

Update on the Featured Offer percentage metric

  • Amazon corrected a calculation error that resulted in inaccurate values for the Featured Offer percentage metric in the Business reports. Due to this fix, you may notice an increase in the Featured Offer percentage metric for some ASINs.

Heavy and Bulky items no longer eligible for Amazon Vine

  • In order to improve the fulfillment process, Amazon has elected to no longer allow for heavy and bulky items to be enrolled in Amazon Vine.

  Jungle_Scout_Advertising_Report _2023

Jungle Scout Advertising Report 2023 – Call Outs

  • Amazon’s unique offering: Shopper targeting and detailed sales attribution
    • Audience of ready-to-buy shoppers
    • Right product, right person
    • Measuring performance
  • 46% of Amazon brands and sellers are worried about the increasing cost of goods
  • 39% are worried about increasing competition driving prices down
  • 38% say increasing ad cost ar a major concern
  • Investments in paid search and social media advertising have increased 26% and 15%, for Amazon sellers and brands, respectively, while investments on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms dropped 6%.
  • Amazon sellers and brands are increasingly turning to social media, with 41% currently using it to market their products and reach new audiences.
  • Video ad spending for Amazon Live, video ads, and Demand Side Platform increased 150%, 77%, and 60%, respectively.

New Search Filter available for Small Business

  • Amazon is testing a new feature that allows shoppers to segment search results by those enrolled in the small business program.

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