Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 07.10.2024 - BellaVix

Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 07.10.2024



Simplify FBA Inventory Replenishment with Amazon’s “Send it Again” Feature

  • The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is a contract that all Amazon sellers must sign upon registration. It outlines the rules and regulations sellers must follow. We think it’s important to go back and review Amazon terms with sellers to ensure they understand their obligations and avoid potential issues.




Beware: New Amazon Bot Suppresses Listings Mentioning “Warranty”

  • A new Amazon bot is targeting listings that mention “warranty” in bullet points, images, and descriptions, often causing them to be search-suppressed without clear error messages. Many sellers have been affected, with listings flagged inconsistently. Sellers should remove any mention of “warranty” from their product listings, including bullet points and images, to avoid suppression. This issue, unannounced by Amazon, has caused significant disruption and frustration among sellers. Check your listings and update them accordingly to prevent further issues.


Amazon’s Virtual Storefronts Aim to Enhance Shopping Experience

  • Amazon is quietly testing virtual storefronts, allowing shoppers to browse 3D stores for various products like coffee makers, electronics, and home goods. These stores are sometimes hard to find, but links may appear on product pages. Amazon has partnered with platforms like Hexa to enhance these experiences, indicating a continued interest in virtual shopping. Despite some navigation challenges, these virtual storefronts aim to boost product discovery, similar to Amazon’s previous VR shopping tools and TikTok-like features. The effectiveness of these virtual stores in increasing consumer engagement remains to be seen. Example Lego Storefront




Amazon at 30: The Future of E-commerce and Beyond 

  • Amazon recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, evolving from “Earth’s biggest bookstore” to a tech and services giant. Looking ahead, Amazon will focus on AI, automation, healthcare, and logistics innovation. Despite challenges from competitors like Shein and regulatory scrutiny, Amazon aims to stay dominant by expanding into new markets and technologies. The company’s future success in eCommerce will depend on its agility, innovation, and ability to navigate global regulations.


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