Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 10.11.2023 - BellaVix

Keep Up With Amazon & Walmart Seller News – 10.11.2023

Amazon_Walmart_weekly_News_Updates_BellaVix   Get Exclusive Control of Your Generic Listing Product Detail Page

  • Amazon has extended product detail page protection to generic product listings, allowing sellers who create new listings with the brand name “Generic” exclusive control over edits to those pages. However, editing existing generic listings or copying them to different stores may be restricted, and attempting to edit another seller’s generic product will result in an error message, guiding sellers to create new listings. Existing brand and intellectual property policies apply to all products, including generics.

New Insights on Costumer Return with FBA Returns Dashboard   Get New Insights on Customer Returns With the FBA Returns Dashboard

  • Amazon has enhanced the FBA returns dashboard to offer valuable insights into customer returns. This upgraded dashboard provides a comprehensive view of return data, encompassing grading results, customer comments, and products returned to Amazon fulfillment centers. The new features include the ability to track the most-returned products, understand key return reasons, access return insights by product, and generate customizable reports on return trends. To explore these enhancements, visit the insights tab on the FBA returns dashboard.

  New Seller Enrollment Has Reopened for Seller Fulfilled Prime

  • Amazon has reopened seller enrollment for Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) after temporarily pausing it to improve the program. SFP allows sellers to handle their own product fulfillment while providing Prime customers with fast and reliable delivery. The program fee has been removed from recent changes, aiming to support seller success. To join SFP, sellers must pre-qualify for the trial and meet its requirements during a 30-day trial period. Detailed enrollment information and program requirements can be found on the Seller Fulfilled Prime trial and program enrollment page.

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