Launching Your First Amazon DSP Order - BellaVix

Launching Your First Amazon DSP Order

Amazon PPC DSP advertising

Before getting into the topic of DSP, we should have a little bit of understanding of programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising is gaining momentum worldwide, and it is a must for all brands looking to show their ads to a more targeted audience and measure the results in real-time.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Amazon describes programmatic advertising as automated buying and selling of digital advertising inventory. Advertising inventory is the space for ads on a given website. With the help of programmatic advertising, we purchase digital ad inventory across the web, mobile, apps, video, and social media, which allows us to place our ads on these platforms.  

Now that we understand programmatic advertising let’s dive deeper into the DSP.

What is DSP?

Amazon describes DSP as a “demand-side platform that provides automated, centralized media buying from multiple sources.” DSP is programmatic software for advertisers to buy media from numerous publishers. Through the platform, advertisers determine which impressions to buy, and at what price. Advertisers can choose audiences based on their shopping behaviors and many other attributes. 

Whether the goal is brand awareness, development, or remarketing, DSP is a valuable opportunity for advertisers to help brands reach their goals.

Creating Your First DSP Order

Let’s think of the orders in DSP as campaigns in Seller Central Advertising Console and line items as ad groups to make it easier to understand.

Before creating your first order, it is crucial to develop a clear structure. You can either create one order with various line items targeting all your products or segment your orders by ASINs / Product Types. If you only promote a handful of products in the DSP, we recommend creating orders for each ASIN. If you have a more extensive product catalog, we recommend creating orders for each product type, making it a lot easier to organize. 

Now, let’s create your first DSP order. 

After logging into the DSP Platform, click on the advertiser you would like to create the order for and click the yellow ‘New Order’ button on the top left. 

We will discuss all the order settings individually.

  • NAME

Nomenclature is essential for organization purposes. You can name your orders with the product name or product type depending on the structure you would like to use.

  • Product Location: Choose the option that fits best, depending on where the products are being sold.
  • Goal: Determine your primary goal with this order and line items. You have all the options to leverage upper, mid, and lower funnel marketing. 

If you’d like to focus on brand awareness with upper-funnel marketing, you can pick the ‘Awareness’ or ‘Engagement With My Ad‘ option. If you’d like to focus more on mid or lower-funnel marketing, we would recommend choosing the ‘Consideration On Amazon’ or ‘Purchases On Amazon‘ option. 

While the ‘Awareness’ option would help your brand to expand to new audiences, the ‘Purchases On Amazon’ option is more likely to have the highest return on ad investment.

  • Goal KPI: After you determine your goal, think of the Goal KPIs as metrics that would help you to reach your goal. Pick a Goal KPI that you think would work best based on the primary goal you picked for the order.
  • Flight: When creating an order, you need to pick a start and end date for the order. You will also need to assign a budget for the full flight. Pick a budget you are comfortable with.
  • Budget Cap: You can use the Budget Cap option to limit both daily and monthly spending. Since the DSP can spend money quickly, limiting the order spend daily and monthly is recommended.
  • Products: In this section, you can add the products that you will be advertising under this order. This helps the platform track the metrics for each of these products. However, it is recommended that you add all ASINs in your product catalog. The customers engaged with your ads could also decide to buy another product that was not advertised. In that case, the metrics will cover all the products added regardless of being advertised or not. 
  • Frequency Cap: Frequency Cap is a feature that limits the number of times your Display Ads appear to the same person. While you can always keep it uncapped, we recommend setting a frequency cap at the beginning and keep experimenting. Showing ads no more than 10 times per day would be an excellent place to start.

Click ‘Save’, and you are good to go. Congratulations on creating your first DSP order!

If you need more help, BellaVix is a full-service Amazon Agency that can help you achieve great results with Amazon DSP and scale your Amazon business. Connect with us today!

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