My Interview with Pathmonk Presents - BellaVix

My Interview with Pathmonk Presents

My Interview with Pathmonk Presents

If you are not yet familiar with Pathmonk’s Presents Podcasts, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. I highly recommend you take a look at Pathmonk, because you’re in for a treat!

The folks at Pathmonk, run an online show where top founders and business leaders share their views on their personal life experiences as well as their business journey.

I recently had the opportunity, which I truly appreciate, to chat with Sean and Lois about my entrepreneurial journey to date with BellaVix.

If you’re interested to learn more about what it’s like to own and run a boutique marketing agency like BellaVix, check out this YouTube video.

Here’s the interview. Check it out!

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