Supports Spanish search functions - BellaVix Supports Spanish search functions Supports Spanish search functions

Is Walmart’s website available in Spanish? To make it easier for customers to shop across channels, Walmart is expanding the Spanish language search function on

Walmart’s goal has always been to create seamless omnichannel purchasing experiences that save their customers time and money. They have been working hard to address this issue by expanding the Spanish search function on Language can be a significant obstacle to a superb shopping experience, so they’ve been working to address that.

Roughly 18% of Americans are Hispanic or Latino, which is anticipated to rise to 28% by 2060. Because Walmart serves all of America, they should focus on improving the Spanish search functionality.

Before 2020, customers shopped in stores because of COVID-19. As the pandemic progressed, in-store customers changed to online shopping as cases increased. Spanish-speaking customers across the Walmart app and website changed their behavior dramatically when the pandemic peaked, as queries increased fivefold. This rapid shift in behavior highlighted the need for a Spanish-first online shopping experience. Supports Spanish search functions BellaVix  Walmart app detects a language, recognizes fine distinctions, and translates queries to provide an effortless, intuitive experience for customers.

Walmart app detects a language, recognizes fine distinctions, and translates queries to provide an effortless, intuitive experience for customers.

Walmart recently launched a search translation function on and the Walmart app, allowing customers to search for common items in Spanish. Through natural language processing (NLP), Walmart Global Tech personnel created a solution that detects a language, recognizes fine distinctions, and translates queries to provide an effortless, intuitive customer experience. Currently, they translate over 600,000 of the most frequented items and add more daily.

Customers can now choose whether or not to see translated queries.

“Leche” is the Spanish word for “milk,” and the following scenario describes how the translated query is displayed: When a customer searches for “Leche”, results are provided based on the English translation of the word. Customers are informed that the query has been translated and given the option to opt out. Customers who opt out of the translation will see items like “dulce de leche” as a result of their search.

With over 600,000 commonly purchased items available for search in Spanish, customers can have faster, easier, and more convenient shopping experiences. This year, Walmart will continue to enhance the Spanish experience, including predictive search, continuous personalization, and contextualization, with a full end-to-end universal Spanish experience slated for future release. Walmart has always focused on customers, seeking to understand their needs, desires, and shopping lists. Walmart will continue to innovate to meet customers where, when, and how they want to shop.

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