Walmart Optimization Strategy for Supplement Brands: Success Story: Case Study - BellaVix

Walmart Optimization Strategy for Supplement Brands: Success Story: Case Study

Walmart Optimization Strategy for Supplement Brands Success Story Case Study 

Walmart Optimization Strategy for Supplement Brands: Success Story: Case Study

E-commerce is a trillion-dollar industry with a highly competitive market. So whether you’re selling on Amazon, Shopify, or Walmart, standing out is one of the biggest challenges a seller faces. 

Optimization has proven to be a critical factor in increasing organic traffic, product discovery, and brand awareness. 


The client is selling supplements at Walmart. They launched in May 2020. They were maintaining the account and sales on their own, and in September 2020, they partnered with BellaVix, a full-service amazon account management agency, to help their growth on Amazon.  


The client was struggling to drive traffic and sales to their Walmart Listings. While the demand for similar products increased in Walmart and across other E-commerce platforms, the client barely managed to sell ten products a month. 


We developed a comprehensive strategy to increase the searchability and discoverability of the products and drive higher conversion rates. Optimizations included uploading high-quality and informative images and optimizing the copy with target keywords


The implementation of the optimization strategy resulted in a 3,005.15% growth in sales, a 2,723.76% increase in units sold, and a 1,0625.58% increase in product page visits. In addition, this strategy resulted in a 1,638.04% increase in conversion rate.


Sales before and after optimization

Sales increased by 3,005.15% after optimization. 

We started the optimization process in Q4 2020, Walmart takes some time to index the targeted keywords, and the results can be seen on Q1 2021 and continuing on Q2 and Q3 2021.


Units sold before and after optimization

We managed to sell over 2,723.76% units after optimization compared to units sold before optimization. 

Because our optimization process consisted of gradual optimization of the listings, we can see continuous growth in units sold over the months.

Increase in Page Views and Conversion Rate 

While there was little to no traffic to the listings before optimization, we can see an apparent increase in the organic traffic directed to the listings after optimization, with 99.10% of all page views being after optimization.

Only 5.40% of all the page views were converted in orders before optimization. On the contrary, 94.60% of all page views converted in orders after optimization.

We achieved substantial growth in this account through optimization, contributing to more positive reviews, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. 

Are you selling on Walmart or Amazon and are looking to move your business to the next level? Connect with the Bellavix Team Today!

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